Getting sprinkled...
Perfectly fine after the sprinkling...
Practicing our back float...
Mommy blowing bubbles to Kaila & she's not even paying attention...
Practicing her kicks off the wall: first on her back, then on her tummy...
Just a way to keep in touch with family & friends who are so very far away and who we miss dearly.
Getting sprinkled...
Perfectly fine after the sprinkling...
Practicing our back float...
Mommy blowing bubbles to Kaila & she's not even paying attention...
Practicing her kicks off the wall: first on her back, then on her tummy...
Anyway, here are just a few pictures from the week:
Enjoying her rice rusk in the car after her swimming class.
And here are some pictures that we found on the camera, from a few weeks ago.
Also, we have embedded some videos for you all to enjoy. The theme is "Kaila playing with Sadie." We'll be posting more videos, in addition to our pictures in the future.
Notice how Kaila tries to bite Sadie. Pretty funny stuff.
Kaila looking like she's reading...
Cisco & I wanted to do something together, since we rarely get to spend time with one another on a regular basis. So, we decided to join a Hip Hop class for adults with the DeKalb Parks & Rec, since we both enjoy dancing......and also since he secretly wishes he was a part of the Jabbawockeez, and wishes he knew how to breakdance :0 Anyway, so our first class was last night. I know, jam packed day with Kaila's Playgroup, Swim Class, and our Hip Hop Class. We.....well....mainly Cisco, was a little apprehensive about it because he wanted it to be straight-up Hip Hop. He was worried it was not going to be the real thing. But boy were we wrong. Our instructor is as Hip Hop as you can get. She is an African-American lady who has danced since she was 2 and she actually choreographs on the spot. So, we started learning a dance to the song "Leavin'" by Jesse McCartney because it has a slower beat to it. Cisco wanted something more "hood," but the song worked just fine. Not to be mean, but Cisco and I (more Cisco) were probably the more rhythm-oriented ones out of the other two ladies & one guy in our class. Our instructor even invited all of us to a real b-boy dance battle this weekend in order for us to experience real Hip Hop dancing & culture.
She also told Cisco she could hook him up with somebody to teach him more in-depth hip hop dances, like breakdancing, which made Cisco VERY happy. We think she sees the potential in Cisco. Needless to say, we are definitely looking forward to the next class :)
Kaila stayed with Lisa Pitney during that hour. Lisa is the wife of one of Cisco's colleagues (Bill Pitney). When we picked her up, Lisa said it took her about five minutes to realize we were gone, then she started crying. She settled down after a few minutes and started playing. She enjoyed having their oldest son, Liam, in the room. Everytime he left, Kaila would cry. She eventually fell asleep, and she woke up when we picked her up. Overall, Lisa said she was good.
Us after our Hip Hop class. Boy was it a workout...
We decided to let her try to feed herself (because she refused to let us feed her that day) and this is what it looked like. Cisco was on edge the whole time (he doesn't like messes)...