When's the weather cooperates, we have a summertime routine with Kaila and Sadie that after dinner, we all go outside and play before Kaila has to bathe and go to bed. We're usually out there for about 45-minutes, letting Kaila and Sadie roam the backyard. When it's hot, we bring out Kaila's inflatable pool and set it up under the slide. She'll slide right into the water, and repeat. She likes to splash the water and take cups and dump water on herself. Besides her pool, she loves to run around and chase Sadie, chasing bubbles (of course), and kick balls around the yard.....that's right KICK, not THROW. This has Cisco a little worried. She loves playing outside and it's really hard to get her in. Below are a few snapshots of some of her moments outside.
Kaila and her pool.


Takes a juice break

Kaila and Sadie

Her attire

Getting spun around by Mel Gilson