At 7 1/2 months, it was time for Kenna to get her ears pierced. We originally wanted to do it on July 4th, which is the same day Kaila got hers pierced when she was a baby. But we decided to hold off until after our Disney trip because we didn't want Kenna messing with her ears on our roadtrip.
We headed to the Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg to get them done this past Sunday. We were excited, since it is a pretty big event for Kenna. We even had Kenna wearing the same red dress Kaila wore when she got her ears pierced.
She had no idea what was about to happen.

Marking her ears.

Kenna is probably wondering what that gun-shaped thing is for.

The lady told me not to use flash since it was distracting. Before I could turn the flash off on the camera, she pierced her ears. After ear #1, Kenna had a delayed reaction. She stared at the lady for a few seconds, then you could see her bottom lip start to pucker. After a few more seconds, it turned into a full-blown cry. What was funny was that even though she was crying during the piercing of ear #2, Kenna never tried to squirm and fight the final piercing. We remember Kaila thrashing around after piercing the first ear, making the second piercing more difficult.

"Why did you have to do that to me, Lady?!?!"

The final products. Little pink heart-shaped earrings.

Kenna's reaction to the two piercings.........

.....compared to Kaila's.

Kenna definitely was a trooper. She didn't cry as hard or as long as we expected (after experiencing Kaila's reaction when she was little). Kaila was a good big sister. She watched from the side with me and afterward was telling Kenna, "Good job Sissy" and "Nice Sissy." Kenna's ears never bled, or even got red. So far she hasn't tried to play or pull on them.