The start of our nature walk (I'm gonna highlight more of the plants (in Hawaiian, if I know them), since you know the children ;)):
'Ulu (breadfruit)...

With a hibiscus (the state flower) in their ear, while Kenna carries around her bug (the grasshoppa')...


Starfruit or five-finger (carambola)...

Kinda surprised Kaila tried it!!

It's yummy!!

Niu (coconut tree)...we have yet to try one!


Kukui nut (candlenut)...used for oil...

Ko (sugarcane)...makes sugar...

Photo break...


Tutu & her girls...

Laying hens for eggs...

Eating ginger...the root is what you use...


Mai'a (apple banana)... use the root... of my favorite...


The girls actually liked it!!
The girls actually got to hold some chicks that will become laying hens, thanks to Uncle Charlie (my step-dad's brother)...

A hui hou (bye, til' we meet again) chicks...


Rambutan...kinda like a lychee, but bigger...

Lipstick tree...used to make red paint or dye...

Wauke (mulberry)...

The girls eating their guava by the taro (kalo) patch...

Taro (kalo), which makes poi is what my step-dad's brother's mainly farm. They have a poi factory down the road from the farm that makes & sells poi.

How you make electricity in the country = a water wheel! Also, solar panels & generators.

Watercress...we ate a lot of watercress soup growing up...

Jabong (pomelo)...kinda like a jumbo grapefruit...

We took a break to look a the stream, where we would swim when we were little...

View from the farm...the Ko'olau's...

Pua melia (plumeria) of my favorite flowers...

View looking up from the house = Makikiki...

Picking corn with Tutu...

Pua'a (pig/wild boar) trap (we actually saw some wild boar the other day, but I wasn't fast enough to get a picture). In the background, are some bee boxes, where honey is made.

Pua kenikeni....




Cacao tree that makes cocoa...
I love this place!! Believe it or not, my step-dad actually built this house with the help of some friends...makes it even more special!