Yesterday Kaila made 9-months! She had her 9-month check up. She now weighs 19 lbs. and is a little over 27 inches long. The doctor said that her weight is in the 70th percentile, and her height is in the 90th. In other words, compared to other baby girls her age, she's on the taller side, which is hard to believe to us, since she looks so petite. The doctor asked a series of questions, such as, "is she doing a, b, c, d, etc.?" The doctor came to the conclusion that Kaila is doing everything a 12-month old should be doing, except walking. So we are very blessed and we thank God that Kaila is developing well. Lastly, the doctor said that she can eat almost anything now, except for cow's milk, egg whites, peanut butter, and citrus fruits. Anything else is fair game. So we've been giving her little bits of shredded chicken, egg yolks, ground turkey, cheese, peas, Cheerios, and yogurt, and she likes them all. She especially loves to eat tofu.
Below are pictures from the week:
Kaila didn't want to wear her headband anymore, so Mommy wore it instead. Kaila was laughing at Mommy.
Sadie wanted to be the baby. She looks like a stuffed animal in this pic. After a lot of yelling and cheering (and crying, but mostly on Daddy's part), the two girls were tired. Sadie was so heartbroken about the game, she cried herself to sleep in her Reggie Bush jersey.....oh wait....that was Daddy.
We've also posted some new videos of Kaila. This first one was Kaila playing her "trumpet." Saliva flying everywhere....
This second one is showing Kaila's new ability of climbing stairs. We follow her, and she's getting faster and faster. It's good exercise for her. She likes it when we pretend to chase her up the stairs. Sadie usually runs to the top, lays on the first step with her head hanging over, cheering her sister on.
Kaila cruising by the couch: waving "hello" to everyone & blowing kisses
This last one is Kaila eating her Cheerios from her walker. She likes to stand next to it and climb and reach for the Cheerios. She'd rather do that than actually sit in her walker. We think she likes the challenge. Sadie, of course, lies underneath, waiting for something to drop.
I can't get over how freaking BIG she's gotten!!! Oh my GOD!!!!!!! I love it!! She looks so squishy!!! I wish we were going to get to see you guys for a longer time when you come out!!!We need to arrange something so that we can see you longer!!!
Love you guys tons and tons!!
Erin and Michael
P.S Michael says that him and Cisco are soul mates and were just meant to cross paths!! I don't get them!!!
Hi little girls! 7 more days and I can shower both of you with hugs and kisses. We all can't wait to see you guys next week. Love you all.
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