Today, the first site we visited was the Sears Tower, or soon-to-be-called the Willis Tower. It reminded us of a Disneyland ride: you walk in to a line, that lead to another line, that lead to a pre-show, that lead to another line, that lead to the actual attraction. It was an awesome site. It was a sunny day, so visibility was good up top. After, we hit up Chinatown for a late Dim Sum lunch, along with bubble tea and Asian desserts. was tall.

Inside during one of the lines, a picture of GOAT, aka. Greatest of All Time. Cisco had to stop and take a picture.

The ladies ready for the pre-show.

Trying to calm Kaui's nerves.

Up top, looking at DeKalb, and Idaho, Oregon, California, and Hawai'i. Facing the "Best Side," aka. the "WESTSIDE!!"

Trying not to let the elevation get the best of us.

Downtown Chi-City.

Munching on Cheerios while we all enjoyed the scenery.

The ladies overlooking downtown.


Lake Michigan, looking East

Finally back on the ground. We made it!

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