Since were unable to throw Kaila her traditional 1-year luau on her real birthday, we will be throwing one for her this Saturday. The theme is "Lilo and Stitch." We will have two large wooden cut-outs of both Lilo and Stitch at the party. Mom knows someone who was able to draw Lilo and Stitch on pieces of plywood. So all we had to do was to bring them to life by painting the drawing.
Sanding the edges down.

Painting away. Kaui painted Stitch, while Cisco, Kaui, and Mom had a hand in painting Lilo. Cisco "cleaned up" both characters by outlining them.

Kaila picking out the colors for us.

Lilo coming to life slowly.

The "Before" picture.........

......the "After" picture.

Kaila in front of Lilo and Stitch with her grass skirt and leis on.

With cousins La'a and Trenton, with Lilo and Stitch.

Still lots of work to do before Saturday's festivities. Kaui and Nancy spent all afternoon getting the goody-bags/give-aways ready. Food will start being prepared tomorrow. Decorations still to come.
1 comment:
OMG! I love every picture.... I miss you terribly.
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