After our short trip to Boise, we drove back up to Moscow for Megan's high school graduation. Mike and Erin came back up with us. Will and Andrea were supposed to, but they had to help Will's parents move. A lot of festivities, a lot of good food, and most importantly, great time spent with our "family" here in Moscow.
Below are a bunch of pictures from the weekend. Events include Andrew Joyce's graduation party, graduation itself, then Megan's graduation party.
Kaila loved playing in Andrew's old log cabin playhouse

Grandpa even joined her inside. She liked that!

"Papa, I'm going to go get groceries for us."

Kaila with her Nanny Jana

With the two graduates, Tata and Andrew

Us with the graduates (Mom caught us off guard; we were in mid-chew mode).

Enjoying the time in beautiful weather with our "family."

Cisco laying in the hammock, with help from Mike.

Kaila finding a way to entertain us.

Kaila LOVED playing with her Uncle Mike during the weekend. Here, they were playing catch with a wiffle ball.

Graduation night. Megan walking down the steps to the floor.

After the ceremony, with her Tata

Cisco and Megan. MHS graduates 10-years apart.

The family

Megan's graduation party. Kaila going for a ride in Aunty Erin's purse, with help from Uncle Mike.

Lilly McNanny was SO happy to see Kaila......

............we mean SOOOOO happy.

Eating strawberries with Sharon

Going for a fun ride with Grandpa Gordon

With Cheri

Playing with the other kids: Barrett, Grant, and Lilly. And getting bites of cake from Lisha.

Us with Chris, Heather, and Olivia Walker. Cisco and Chris grew up together.

Kaui and Kaila, with Heather and Olivia

The boys with their little girls

Cisco and Chris

Megan giving Kaila a thank you kiss, after Kaila helped her open up her gifts

It was a very fun weekend. We are so proud of Megan and all her accomplishments. Just hard to believe that she's all graduated from high school and will be a college girl in a few months. Man how time flies!