While we were gone, we didn't mow our lawn. So that's four-plus weeks of no maintenance on our yard. Fortunately, we share our front yard with our duplex-neighbor, and they cut the front. But it was still long, in Cisco's standards. The back was a jungle of a yard, with the grass at least 2 feet high, some parts pushing 3 feet (sorry, forgot to take a picture). So it's safe to say that we had A LOT of work to do to clean it up.
Cisco had to mow the yard twice, on two separate days. The first day, he cut it on the highest setting, and it still got jammed at times, and took about 2 hours to do. He cut it again, this time on a shorter setting, three days later. When combining the two mowing sessions, with weed-wacking, raking and bagging (we don't have a catcher, but we're gonna get one now), we spent a over 6 hours in the yard. When we normally mow, we have 2-3 bags of grass. This time: FOURTEEN bags of grass! At least we were able to work on our tan.
Kaila helped raking. She also helped bag the grass too. She was all up in it!!

When we finished, Kaila and Sadie were able to finally roam free in the yard! Amy and Travis lent us a Little Tikes play set for Kaila. Morgan is still too young to use it, so they're allowing us to let Kaila play. We remembered how much fun Kaila had playing in the bigger play set when we were in Hawai'i. With this one, she would climb, go down the slide, run around, and repeat. We found her underneath the set as well, lying with Sadie (there's a hole where you can crawl underneath).
Now, all Kaila wants to do is play outside. When we tell her it's time to come in, she cries and cries and cries. That same day at dinner, she was so exhausted from helping raking, bagging, and playing, this is what we got:

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