This past weekend was such a beautiful weekend for it being November. The sun was out and the air was a crisp 60-65 degrees. So, on Sunday we decided to take advantage of such a nice day and head out to the Elburn Forest Preserve, which is a park area in the nearby town of Elburn. We always pass it when heading out to Geneva to go shopping, so we decided it would be a good day to go and check it out. It turned out to be a very relaxing and serene area; we wish we lived closer to it.
A picture of Kaila from beyond my belly...

We need to do something with that hair. She's getting better at having it put up, but obviously not on this day...

Even Sadie got to join in on the fun...

So here's a cute story. I asked Kaila if she was having fun and as usual her answer is always, "noooo." So after I asked her that, she got this idea that she wanted fries. She kept saying "fries," so finally I told her, "I'm sorry honey, but there's no McDonalds out here in the woods." Of course she looked at me dumbfounded, but then Cisco goes on to answer, "But we do have 3G (Internet)!"
So here is a picture of him and what he usually does everywhere we go. I don't know what he would do without his iphone...

A beautiful November day in Illinois...

Like father, like son...
Sadie, I forgot to mention that you are soooooooo pretty. I miss you.
Love, Grandma
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