Kaila making an imprint of her hand in the needle-art.

They had a really neat station where kids could paint on Plexi-Glass. When they were done, just spray the glass, squeegee it, and the paint was gone. So the kids could paint something, squeegee it, and start again. Kaila really enjoyed this station.

Another neat station were the musical tubes. Just take a pair of slippers and hit the open parts of the tube and they represented notes. Here Kaila is playing "I'm a Little Teapot."

This station she spent by far the most time at. It was a small main street area where kids can go to a pizza parlor and make pizza. She was cooking up a storm in there! She was cooking so much, we ended up getting pizza on the way home.
Here she is getting a pie together.....

It was an awesome visit. The museum, while small, had a lot to offer for someone like Kaila. Kenna was enjoying herself too. She would kick and kick and reach as far as she could at certain exhibits, as if she wanted to play with it too. The place was crowded at first; it looked like there was a field trip going on. But once they left, the place was empty, so Kaila could just roam around and do what she wanted.
The girls did OK in the car. They both slept going down, so the car was quiet. On the way back, Kaila was still excited from the museum, she was wide awake and got a bit obnoxious (yelling). We popped in the iPod with her Disney songs, and she was good to go. Kenna on the other hand was tired of being in her car seat. She cried pretty much the whole way home. We may have to strategize better and practice more before the real-deal in July.
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