This year's Halloween (which was more like a week-long celebration) was a lot of fun because Kaila was old enough to understand and participate in a lot of the festivities. The understand part means she knows Halloween is all about the candy!!! Needless to say, they surely wore out their costumes, but look forward to Kenna being a ladybug too because we do recycle ;)
Preschool Halloween Party...

The droopy flower, someone needs some water...

Halloween Party at the NIU Convocation Center...

...where Kaila got to play some games...

Downtown DeKalb trick-or-treating...

Walking the main streets of DeKalb in search of some candy...

Going home with a bowl full of sugar!

Halloween Day...Kenna transformed into a beautiful butterfly! (the flower wasn't working out so well and the butterfly kept her warmer)

Happy Halloween 2010

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