The next stop we made, after leaving Fort Collins, was Boise. We headed there to visit our BFF's, the Lokteffs, and their newest addition, Macie, who we hadn't even met yet!! We also made a visit to our friends, the Schumakers, who also happen to be Kaila's God-Parents. She was very excited to meet them!
Mountains!! Mountains always excite me (as some of you may notice)! I grew up around them & never appreciated them until I lived in places without them. I will never leave them again!!
The girls hanging out with our friends, Alex & Amanda's son, Hudson, whom we also met for the first time.

Kenna driving Uncle Mike's old truck...

Pretty, pretty MACIE!!!

The girls couldn't get enough of Macie...

One of the things we did was visit Lucky Peak State Park...such a beautiful place!

Love this sign as you enter...

Chasing geese...

Fun in the sun...

Rocks excite my children ;)

Macie taking a dip...

More fun in the sun...this time helping Uncle Mike wash a friends' car = our payment for lodging...ha!

Lastly, this picture always makes me laugh & smile :) This is Mike & Erin's dog, Bayla, as she tucked herself into a ball so that she could fit into the boppy...hahaha! It was the funniest thing watching her do this.

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