Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Brookfield Zoo...

The Flewelling family was so kind to invite us to the zoo with them on Sunday. It turned out to be a beautiful day with the weather being nice and cool, although we did hit a downpour as we drove home. It was a good thing we had left the zoo when we did. We had SO much fun just being outside and enjoying the day with our friends. I almost think the adults had more fun than the girls, due to the fact that by 2pm they were ready for a nap.

Entering the zoo...
Morgan reaching out to Kaila probably thinking "loosen' up a little, girl!"
Brushing & petting the goat...
Brushing another goat...
Looking at the ducks...
Amy & Morgan walking on the stepping stones...
Daddy & Kaila's turn...
Fathers with their daughters...
Kaila's favorite exhibit...the monkeys, which she stills talks about 'til this day...
Our little dragonflies...
Family picture on the Brookfield Zoo lion...
Getting ready to ride the carousel. By the way, Kaila did not choose the animal, Daddy did...
Action shot...the carousel was actually moving & Kaila didn't seem too thrilled...

1 comment:

Alice said...

Cool shades, Kaila! love you.