Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kaui's the big 2-8!

On Monday, we celebrated Kaui's 28th birthday. I had this big plan of cooking her this awesome chocolate chip pancake breakfast. When I was just about done cooking them, it dawned on me that the pancake mix was expired by about 3 weeks. While the "research" on the internet said it should be OK, I didn't want to risk one of us, especially Kaui, getting sick on her birthday. So my special breakfast got substituted for scrambled eggs and Costco waffles.

But the rest of the day was relaxing. Kaui was able to get some of her own work done and have a bit of down time for herself. In the afternoon, Kaila helped me cook Kaui a birthday pizza, which turned out to be one of the best pizzas we've ever had. We were able to top it with things that Kaui liked, like green peppers, spinach, and mushrooms. Kaila also helped me cook Kaui's birthday cake! While the cake turned out REALLY good, the decorations didn't. My writing with frosting got all mushed together, that one of Kaui's friends on Facebook thought the girls wrote it! And we didn't have any candles so Kaui had to blow out imaginary candles. Anyway, it was a nice, low-key day for a special and incredible lady!

Being "cheesy"...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Tea!!!

On Mother's Day we went to a party to celebrate Kenna's buddy Tea's (Tay-ah) first birthday. They are so cute to watch together because Kenna likes acting like the "big sister" to her. Unfortunately this was the only picture I got of them together...I wish I had gotten more.

Morton Arboretum...

Last Friday we made a short visit out to the Morton Arboretum for a few reasons. One, it was a free day (yay for free!) because it was National Gardens Day. Two, we were headed in that direction to a barbeque at one of Cisco's colleagues' house in Aurora. And three, we've always wanted to check it out and since we are moving now is the time right?! It was nice to be able to walk around outside in the warm sunshine.

Playing in the Children's Garden area...
A big marble ball suspended in's really cool!
Kenna enjoyed running ( down one of the walkways in the play area. It was funny to watch, but a little nerve-wrecking because there were a few times when her body would get ahead of her feet and just when you thought she was gonna take a major spill, she was able to slow herself down.

Welcome Ayla Ruth Flewelling...

On May 4th we went to visit the Flewellings in the hospital and welcome Miss Ayla Ruth into the world. I must say she is as cute as a button!! And so very tiny! The girls really enjoyed getting to see her (especially Kenna who kept on wanting to touch her face). But when Morgan arrived, it was playtime!!

So peaceful...

Big Sister Morgan...

Mother's Day Art Day...

I hosted the Mother's Day Art Day at our house where we attempted a hand-printed bouquet of flowers card for the Mommy's. The kids had a lot of fun playing with the paints. Overall, it was a fun time :)

The intended outcome...
Hard at work...
The cake pop treats I made for the kids...

Carnival Fun...

Boy was that an expensive evening out at the carnival! I forgot how expensive carnivals can be!! It's a good thing only Kaila went on rides. I must say it was worth it though to see her having so much fun :)

Sliding down from the Funhouse...
Being whipped around on the roller coaster...
That smile made it all worth it :)
Some other kind of vehicle...
First helicopter ride ;)
Taking Ben for a ride on the motorcycle...