Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Goebberts Pumpkin Patch...

We went to Goebberts Pumpkin Patch with the playgroup and all the kids had a blast! There is just so much to do & see there. From wooden play structures to all kinds of animals, Goebberts is definitely the place to go to entertain a toddler.

Kaila driving the school bus with Ben & Javier as her passengers...
Taking a break on the bench...
It's a wooden truck...
And a wooden train...
They even have giraffes!!!
Javier & Kaila looking at the chicks...
It's a baby cow...
Kaila tells me, "He has crazy hair!" I completely agree...
Along with the giraffes, they even have tigers!!!
Posing for a picture with Bert & Cookie Monster...
Holding Belle's hand...
Feeling Cinderella's dress...
Swimming with Ariel...
Tea & Kenna...
Waiting for the dinosaur to wake-up and eat some pumpkins...
Honey, I shrunk the kids!
Taking a little break...
Picking out a pumpkin with Ben...
...with Aubrey...
Kenna checking out her pumpkin...
Trying my hand at being artsy...
Kenna was so happy to be able to get down & move around, amongst the pumpkins...

Taking a turn on the hayride before we head out. Notice Kaila won't smile with me...
...but she was more than willing to smile with Lindsay...

1 comment:

Alice said...

Love it! So many places to entertain kids.